您想置身于藏式宅屋和庭院中吗?   您想探究藏式楼房层与层间建筑结构的奥妙吗?   您想不仅眼见而且触摸藏式木雕讨一份吉利吗?   您想不用走街串巷就遍尝各式藏餐吗?   您想足不出户就看得到布达拉宫吗?   如果来藏旅游或者公干时下榻在拉萨的吉祥宝马宾馆您可以一切如意。吉祥宝马宾馆西可凭窗眺望太阳余辉中的布达拉宫,南可透窗闻到大、小昭寺桑烟的清香,北可极目藏传佛教六大名寺之一的色拉寺。吉祥宝马宾馆具备61间套房,既有装潢富丽的藏式豪华套间,也有普通的藏式标准间,太阳能热水器为浴室24小时提供热水,宾馆餐厅可为120人同时提供藏餐以及川菜和粤菜。宾馆不仅具有停车场而且备有多功能厅和楼顶暖棚式茶园,商务中心为客人提供传真、复印和打字服务。总之,身在吉祥宝马宾馆,您会有"宾至如归"的感觉。   总经理索朗旺堆   携全体宾馆服务人员祝各位宾客"扎西德勒(吉祥如意)"!   订房电话:0891-6324791            For a short stay on the roof of the world, one certainly wants to witness as much as time permits. Staying at the Tashi Nota Hotel in Lhasa, one can not only live in Tibetan-style houses but also find out the secret wooden structure of Tibetan roof tops, taste various Tibetan dishes, enjoy the Potala Palace bathed in the sunset, smell the fragrance of the burning incenses from nearby temples such as the Jokhang and the Sera and touch Tibetan wooden sculptures for good luck. Why not stay at such a hotel where one can do so many things so easily.  The hotel boasts of 61 rooms, ranging from deluxe suites to standard rooms, all equipped with solar power-heated water around the clock. What's more, there are parking lots in the courtyard, a Tibetan tea-house on the roof top and a business center where one can contact family members and friends. Good luck and pleasure are what the hotel manager and his staff prepare to offer to their guests no matter how long their stay is.  For room reservation please call: 86-0891-6324791.     

  • 亲,写个点评吧,记得好评哦!

